What is Social Venture Capitalism and What Does it Do?

What is Social Venture Capitalism and What Does it Do?

Most people familiar with the finance world have heard of venture capital. Venture capital helps provide the necessary resources to startups to help them succeed (think Shark Tank). While money is an essential part of any business venture, many entrepreneurs and...
The Future of Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Five years ago, artificial intelligence, or AI, technology struggled to identify cats with 70 percent accuracy in YouTube videos. Now, AI can count, identify, and describe behaviors of 48 different animal species in images taken in the Serengeti ecosystem. Because AI...
The Future of Blockchain

The Future of Blockchain

Blockchain technology is the backbone of bitcoin. If you’re still unsure about what exactly blockchain is, it’s like a digital ledger of transactions, deals and contracts represented in the form of digital asset. Everyone owns this ledger, and everyone contributes to...


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