Fingerprint security is viewed as one of the best methods of protecting devices. Fingerprints are more convenient than passwords. Every individual’s fingerprint is different. Computer scientists, however, have recently discovered how to generate false digital...
As artificial intelligence continues its advance, the list of its applications will grow. In 2019, expect to see AI used by many more companies and consumers. Below are some areas in which AI will expand in the coming year. More advanced AI assistants AI assistants...
Most technology news as of late somehow relates back to artificial intelligence. The seemingly complex and high-brow technology is integrated into mundane items, such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home. With talk of artificial intelligence comes machine learning and...
Most people familiar with the finance world have heard of venture capital. Venture capital helps provide the necessary resources to startups to help them succeed (think Shark Tank). While money is an essential part of any business venture, many entrepreneurs and...
Self-driving cars made headlines this spring when a woman in Arizona died after being struck by an Uber in autonomous mode. The human driver of the car was not paying attention and didn’t have their hands hovering over the wheel, as instructed, to be able to take...
Five years ago, artificial intelligence, or AI, technology struggled to identify cats with 70 percent accuracy in YouTube videos. Now, AI can count, identify, and describe behaviors of 48 different animal species in images taken in the Serengeti ecosystem. Because AI...