DeFi Explained and Its Threat to Traditional Banking

DeFi Explained and Its Threat to Traditional Banking

As our lives become more and more emersed in technology, certain traditions are being done away with. Much like every industry out there, banking is embracing technology. Since online banking, we have come a long way, which marked the beginning of the technological...
Financial Data Needs To Be Decision-Ready

Financial Data Needs To Be Decision-Ready

The one-size-fits-all centralized data governance model has run its course in the financial industry. There is a need for a more efficient and that serves business better. Governance should be allowed to be distributed to data owners where appropriate, which would...
Virtual Power Plants Explained

Virtual Power Plants Explained

An increasingly networked world has given rise to more decentralized power infrastructure. These virtual power plants (VPPs)  are made up of remotely-managed smaller units, many of which make use of renewable energy. Virtual power plants provide a degree of...
The Intersection of Marketing Trends and COVID-19

The Intersection of Marketing Trends and COVID-19

The creation of accessible tools to segment and reach out to audiences has made the marketing industry more competitive than ever before. With consumer behavior thoroughly mapped and quantified, marketers have an easier time determining their messaging and ensuring...